Category: <span>Disunion</span>

An article from the N.Y. Courier & Enquirer, titled  “Shall the Government be Preserved, or the Abolitionists Have Their Will”   — a strong critique,  ending with words which include:  “….do…

1835 Disunion

February 25, 1842 Notes of a meeting of the Essex County A.S. Society, Feb 8, 1842.  A resolution presented by Garrison, calling for disunion, debated, and in evening session, finally…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1842 Anti-Slavery Organizations Disunion Essex County

April 29, 1842 A letter signed by H. C. Wright, dated April 15, from Philadelphia —- the writer claims that the sentiment which he expresses dominates in Pennsylvania.   “It is…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1842 Disunion Wright, Henry

May 20, 1842 This item is titled, “Daring Judicial attempt to excite a Mob, and to suppress Freedom of Speech”, and is introduced as an “Extract from a Charge delivered…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1842 Disunion Freedom of Speech

June 3, 1842 An article from the N.Y. Evangelist,  is a strong statement in support of the American Union…..   “THE AMERICAN UNION MUST AND WILL BE PRESERVED, , nay more…


June 24, 1842 Here is a lengthy excerpt from Channing’s,  The Duty of the Free States,  with a clear call to maintain the Union

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1842 Channing, William Ellery Disunion

May 31, 1844 At the tenth anniversary of the American Anti-Slavery Society, in New York City, May 7th,  “it  was decided by a vote of nearly three to one of members…


June 14, 1844 With an introduction saying,  “Something  ‘astonishing’.  Oh ! oh!”,  here is a comment from the Boston Olive Branch:   “It is astonishing with what indifference some people talk…


December 27, 1844 A petition to the Senate and House of the United States Congress.   It ends, ” your memorialists, disclaiming citizenship, and repudiating the present Constitution  as a ‘covenant…


February 25, 1848 A notice that there will be a hearing at the State House, before the Judiciary Committee, on the coming Friday afternoon.  The Committee will be addressed on…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1848 Disunion Secession Petitions

March 24, 1848 This is titled as a “Sketch” of Phillips remarks before the committee… and a promise of other portions which the Editor hopes to include in future papers.

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1848 Disunion Phillips, Wendell Secession Petitions

March 31, 1848 From the Boston Post, there is an item, which gives space to recount the speech by Phillips, and then comments on the effect of Garrison as he…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1848 Disunion Garrison public personality Phillips, Wendell Secession Petitions

April 7, 1848 The Committee on the Judiciary  “have reported ‘leave to withdraw’. “Of course, in the present inert state of public sentiment,  it was not expected that  they would…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1848 Disunion Secession Petitions

January 12, 1849 “The Dissolution of the American Union is the only vital issue with the Slave Power now before the country.  It is essential to the speedy overthrow of…


April 20, 1849 From the Louisville Journal ,  under the title The Union, is a warning against “the evil tendency of sectional controversies”.  It comments on the Massachusetts Abolition Society…


May 25, 1849 Here is a listing of thirty towns, naming the number of Legal Voters, and Non Voters, who have signed petitions urging the Governor to call a Convention…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1849 Disunion Petition Drives

June 29, 1849 Under the title, Slavery and the Union,  there is reference to the Richmond Whig, which in parallel columns, has included an extract from the Columbia (S.C.) Telescope, …

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1849 Disunion Quincy, Edmund

July 20, 1855 Under the Refuge of Oppression column, here is an article from the Louisiana Courier.  “Is there no hope for the South and its people in the impending…

1855 Disunion

June 6, 1856 This article, titled, Freedom Demands Separation, recounts a series of events in Kansas, and includes with the caning of Sumner, and includes a petition, which it urges…

1856 Disunion Petition Drives Sumner, Charles

1856 Anti-Slavery Organizations Disunion

December 26, 1856 Eighty-five names of persons from Worcester and its surrounding area, invite citizens of the state to meet in a Disunion Convention, to be held in Worcester, on…

1856 Disunion

January 30, 1857 Here is a Disunion Petition being circulated in Ohio, addressed to the legislative bodies of that state.

1857 Disunion

1857 Disunion Liberator

February 6, 1857 From the Boston Evening Ledger, comes an article, titled, The Lunatics Let Loose. Some words excerpted, give a sense of the article: “The fools are not all…

1857 Disunion

1857 Disunion Douglass, Frederick

February 13, 1857 An article from the Portland Inquirer, makes an argument against disunion, “which we do not remember having been stated.”  It comments on the nationalization of slavery since…

1857 Disunion

February 20, 1857 From the Newark Daily Advertiser, is a notice of a concert to be scheduled by the Hutchinson Family.  “They have very much lessened their hold on public…

1857 Disunion Hutchinsons

April 24, 1857 Under the Refuge of Oppression column, is a short article from the Boston Pilot, which speaks of the importance of the judiciary as an institution.  This comes…

1857 Churches Disunion

September 18, 1857 Here is a call for citizens of the free states to meet in Convention, in Cleveland. With a clear reference to the Dred Scott Decision, which has…

1857 Disunion Dred Scott Decision

October 2, 1857 In this issue the Call for the Northern Convention, lists names of those who urge attendance.  Names are listed from seventeen states, and a note at the…

1857 Disunion

October 23, 1857 Here is announcement of postponement of the Convention, “in view of the sudden paralytic shock which has fallen upon the whole country, in regard to its financial…

1857 Disunion

November 6, 1957 Notwithstanding the official postponement of the National Convention, there is an account here of a “highly interesting and spirited gathering” of delegates from Indiana, Michigan, southern Ohio,…

1857 Disunion

November 6, 1957 Here is a report from the Convention which was held.  Addresses were made by C. L. Remond,  Parker Pillsbury, and A. K. Foster.  Resolutions were passed in…

1857 Disunion

April 15, 1859 In the Refuge of Oppression Column, from the Boston Post, a statement that the defeat of the Personal Liberty Bill, “is the first fruits of a reaction…

1859 Disunion Fugitive Slave Laws

1861 Disunion Secession