Category: <span>Legislatures of North & South</span>

1836 Legislatures of North & South Massachusetts Legislature

1836 Legislatures of North & South Rhode Island

An item titled Negro Suffrage  indicates that the House of Representatives in Connecticut has recently voted  by 164 to 33 not to recommend expunging the word “white” in the clause…

1838 Legislatures of North & South Right to Vote Suffrage

This is the report of a Special Joint Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature, urging that the subject of the slave trade is deserving of immediate attention of the national government.

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1839 Legislatures of North & South Massachusetts Legislature Slave Trade

A long letter from Otis, in which he responds to a report on actions in the Rhode Island Legislature which have been called to his attention.  The reference is to…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1839 Legislatures of North & South Otis, Harrison Gray

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1839 Legislatures of North & South Massachusetts Legislature Runaway slaves

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1840 Georgia Legislatures of North & South State's Rights

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1840 Anti-Slavery Organizations Legislatures of North & South Massachusetts Legislature

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1842 Fugitive Slave Laws Legislatures of North & South Seward, William

June 10, 1842 An item from the Washington Globe, warning that the Massachusetts Legislature “are resolved to make black and white the same”….. It worries that because there is an…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1842 Amalgamation Legislatures of North & South Massachusetts Legislature