Category: <span>Wright, Henry</span>

Under a heading,   Children of Boston, March 25, 1837, note addressed to Garrison, and signed by H.C. Wright, Children’s Agent, tells of a meeting of the Juvenile Anti-Slavery Society, at…

1837 Anti-Slavery Organizations Juvenile Department Wright, Henry

April 29, 1842 A letter signed by H. C. Wright, dated April 15, from Philadelphia —- the writer claims that the sentiment which he expresses dominates in Pennsylvania.   “It is…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1842 Disunion Wright, Henry

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1847 Liberty Party Pease, Elizabeth Wright, Henry

May 19, 1848 Henry C. Wright writes from a hall in New York, the Minerva Rooms, in Broadway, May 10. He speaks of the meeting of the AASS, the day…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1848 Hutchinsons Phillips, Wendell Wright, Henry

January 30, 1852 A long letter from Henry W. Wright, written Jan 17, 1852, from Michigan, to Richard D. Webb, Dublin, Ireland.  Wright sends excerpts from the Genius of Emancipation,…

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1852 Colonization, Anti-colonization Lundy, Benjamin Wright, Henry

October 21, 1853 Henry C. Wright sends a letter to Garrison , from Ohio. He has visited the Penitentiary and Lunatic Asylum there. In the name of justice, love, and…


January 19, 1855 Notice of a meeting of the Society to be held in Worcester.  Signed by Adin Ballou, here is an invitation to the meeting.   It indicates that Garrison,…

1855 Foster, Stephen New England Non-Resistance Society Non-Resistance Wright, Henry

April 27, 1855 Henry C. Wright addresses a long article to The Rev. Lyman Beecher.  Beecher has evidently argued for the right of the state to punish by hanging.  Wright,…

1855 Beecher, Lyman Capital Punishment Wright, Henry

July 8, 1864 Henry C. Wright’s letter to Garrison lists twenty-four events which occurred after March 4, 1861, the date of Lincoln’s inauguration.  Wright lists them so that those who…

1864 Emancipation Proclamation Wright, Henry