Rev. M.D. Conway, of Cincinnati, preached at Music Hall, Sunday forenoon, on the emergencies of the times. The closing portion of his sermon related to the war, which was advocated…
36 search results for "cincinnati"
MASS ‘ANTI-SLAVERY’ CONVENTION IN CINCINNATI, OHIO Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, April 27th, 28th, 29th, 1852 Friends of Freedom: Do not forget our Convention. We invite all, from all parts of…
July, 1836 — Destruction of Mr. Pugh’s Abolitionist press, is followed by a flier, warning abolitionists of what is to come: THE DOG DAYS ARE COMING! ABOLITIONISTS BEWARE! “The citizens…
April 4, 1862 From the New York Herald comes an item which tells of the way Phillips was greeted when he attempted “do deliver one of his revolutionary lectures in…
March 24, 1854 Here is the fourth annual call for a gathering in regard to the Fugitive Slave Act. “… deeds have been done in our midst that warn us…
June 28, 1850 Here is an article from the Boston Republican, unsigned, telling the story of a man being taken from the streets of Cincinnati to Kentucky, by men claiming…
The story of the destruction of an Abolitionist press (Mr. Pugh’s), is followed by a flier , warning abolitionists of what is to come: THE DOG DAYS ARE COMING! Abolitionists…
The story of an Anti-Abolition meeting, Jan 22, with the Mayor acting as President. The meeting refers to the foundation of the nation and the discussion of the fact that …
Newspapers favorable to slaveholders (Liberator, Nov 11, 1862, pg 3) WONDERFUL DOCUMENT! 1. Judging from the tone of the Democratic press, the President’s Emancipation Proclamation is a…
TESTIMONY FROM ALABAMA, regarding Negro intelligence (Liberator Sept 29, 1865, pg…
A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, writing from Washington, under the date of July 17, says: –“Rev. M. D. Conway, of Cincinnati, is here, providing for the welfare of his…
Stampede of Slaves — New Creek, Va., Oct. 14 Six slaves from near Romney came into camp to-day. They were pursued until within six miles of our camp by the…
Political – The Cincinnati Gazette has a despatch from St. Louis of the following tenor” …’An important document has been prepared for the press, and published here to-day, presenting an…
The Cincinnati Enquirer states that some of the slaves are taking advantage of the present condition of the River, which is now thoroughly frozen over, to make their escape into…
The Christian Press is the title of a new religious paper, of which we have received a number or two, published simultaneously at Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Chicago. It is under…
An Abolitionist Caught in Vicksburg “We have caught’, says the Vicksburg Sentinel of the last inst, ‘one of the Cincinnati villains of the Abolition school, in the act of carrying…
‘BLACK CODE’ From the Cincinnati Journal I will give you a few sections from the laws of Louisiana, proposed by Mr. Waggamann, the present Senator in Congress, from Lousiana, and…
ANOTHER ABOLITION SOCIETY We learn from the Cincinnati Standard, that a ‘respectable number of the citizens of Fayette, Ross and Highland counties’, (Ohio) met at Greenfield recently for the formation…
At a meeting held in New York on Friday, at which the principal Freedmen’s Associations of the country, East and West, were represented by prominent gentlemen from Boston, New York,…
Some of the Signs of the Times The Universe, a leading Catholic paper, published in Philadelphia, and hitherto decidedly “Democratic” and Anti-Administration, has been converted, and now goes for…
These are a few of the attributes which the Democratic press give to the instrument.. WONDERFUL DOCUMENT! Judging from the tone of the Democratic press, the President’s Emancipation Proclamation is…
The Answer to the question, What shall be done with the freed negro? Seems to be given already by passing events. A Missouri gentleman in Cincinnati, among others from that…
Stampede of Slaves – New Creek, Va., Oct. 14 – Six slaves from near Romney came into camp to-day. They were pursued until within six miles of our camp by…
Death of Jesse Hutchinson “Telegraphic intellligence is received of the death of Jesse Hutchinson, of the ‘Hutchinson family’, at a Water Cure establishment near Cincinnati, (where he has been since…
“A slaveholder , at the South, in a letter directed to the editor of the Herald of Progressivism, in which he enclosed $10 for an emancipated slave in Cincinnati, says…
The Liberator, February 1, 1839, pg 1 lists Agents by State and Town: Maine — Brewer, Portland New Hampshire — Plymouth, Amherst Vermont — Woodstock Massachusetts — Newburyport, Mansfield,…
I’m pleased to introduce you to my friend……. …
“The Citizens of Cincinnati, embracing every class, interested in the prosperity of the city, satisfied that the business of the place is receiving a vital stab from the wicked and…
At a late session of the Arkansas Legislature an act has been passed which gives free negroes of that State the alternative of migrating before January 1, 1860, or of…
January 13, 1860 The item from the Cincinnati Commercial says that thirty-six persons have arrived there, having been warned to leave Kentucky “for the crime of believing slavery to be…
December 2, 1853 Mary M. Gould, Secretary of the Ladies Anti-Slavery Sewing Circle, of Cincinnati, sends one hundred dollars as a contribution to the Liberator.
August 8, 1845 Here is notice of an Indianapolis mob murdering a colored man on the 4th of July. The man had purchased his freedom in Kentucky, many years ago.…
South Carolina Presbytery & Methodist General Conference The S.C. Presbytery asserts that: “Slavery has existed in the Church of God from the time of Abraham to this day. Members of…
Lane Seminary Important Anti-Slavery Document Full exposure of the gagging system Statement of the reasons which have induced the students of Lane Seminary to dissolve their connection with that institution.…
Garrison acknowledges that the letter was written to Lewis Tappan, who has given permission for its use in the paper. Here are some excerpts: “Dear Brother, You have seen by…
There are now 23 agents listed in various locations. By the end of August there were 25, and by mid-September, 27 , including Cincinnati, and Port-au-Prince. By early 1832 agents…
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