A Repentant Slaveholder. At the meeting of the Washington Co. (Pa.) A.S. Society on the 4th inst. says the Christian Witness —
A young gentleman, a Virginian, and, a short time since, a slaveholder — added a few words, exhorting abolitionists to persevere, as their way was not only the way, but the only way in which slavery could be peaceably abolished. He knew from personal observations that colonization was regarded at the south as a security to slavery, rendering slave property at once more valuable and more secure. He was himself, but a short time since, bitterly hostile to abolitionism; but upon a candid and careful examination of the subject, bringing its principles to the test of the word of God, he was satisfied of their correctness and convinced that it was his duty to give them a cordial support. This young man was the owner of a slave, but in obedience to his conviction of duty, he restored him to himself, thus showing his faith by his works, and proving the sincerity of his immediate emancipation in theory by his immediate emancipation in practice.
(Liberator, July 16, 1839, pg 2)