“With the feelings of no ordinary satisfaction, we invite the attention of every reader to the intelligence in another column, of the triumph of justice over oppression — of liberty over slavery in Tunis. Ahmed Bey, the sovereign prince of that territory, has nobly yielded to a sense of duty, and abolished slavery in every part of his dominion! This is noble. And the he has done it well — he has acted gracefully. He has adopted no intermediate plan — he has instituted no system of demi-slavery, called apprenticeship — he has placed the slave in no mysterious position, with the view of preparing them for the blessings of freedom. No — he has proclaimed liberty to every captive — he has broken every chain – he has raised to the dignity of manhood every abject slave in the territory over which he reigns ….” (Liberator, April 17, 1856, pg 1)
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