The May 17, 1850 Liberator has much about this historic event. Here are some notes from extensive coverage. Most was from the N.Y. Globe, some prior to, some after the event. It is difficult to summarize here. There are words which join in denunciation of TREASON AND THE TRAITORS …. we hold every man who aids and abets the avowed object of immediate and unconditional emancipation to be a traitor at heart … the meeting must not be held … speakers included “the black Douglass”….. “his black hide shone like a decapitated sign-board; his mouth, a perfect mastodon of a receiver or coffee cooler, was kept in continual motion from the sundry grins of recognition …. Wm. Lloyd Garrison, of Boston, the nigger in everything but color of skin, was the leading man or disher-up of the colored entertainment. To the honor of New York be it said, that the Abolitionists were compelled to abandon their treasonable meeting … the people, the most, true-hearted, patriotic, working-men of the city came forth in strength, and rebuked the conspirators, and dispersed peaceably, and without violence, the advocates of sedition …. the agitators were told that they would not be permitted to proceed, and the consulted the dictates of prudence, and desisted from their nefarious purposes….”
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