ABSTINENCE FROM TOBACCO— To the Doers of Good of Every Name and Place.
It is known, to some extent, that, for several years, I have been employed in shewing the INJURIES INFLICTED BY TOBACCO UPON YOUTH and all classes of men. A beginning has been made, a Reform, I trust, is manifestly in progress… The use of this poison, with millions, who are its victims, is purely a sin of ignorance. They perish for lack of knowledge. It need not be so any longer; good and able men have written Books and Tracts, well adapted to open blind eyes and stay the march of this destroyer. These books maybe had, at reasonable prices, at the Temperance Depository, up staris, No. 11 Cornhill, Boston, and also at No. 5…… Geo. Trask Fitchburg, November, 1854
(Liberator, November 17, 1854, pg 3)