November 30, 1849 Here is a memorial to the House and Senate of Massachusetts, calling for a repeal of all laws which enforce the observance of a day of the…
Category: <span>1849</span>
December 7, 1849 The Roberts case has just been argued before the Mass. Supreme Court. “…if the Bill of Rights in this State be not a dead letter, and the…
December 14, 1849 From the Boston Courier of Dec. 5, is an account of the arguments presented to the Court re. the Roberts case. The arguments made by Charles Sumner…
December 14, 1849 Writing from London, Nov 23, 1849, Brown addresses his former master, Capt. Enoch Price, of St. Louis, Mo. His closing paragraph includes: “I will not yield to…
December 14, 1849 A petition calls for the State legislature to grant the vote to women. The editor includes a preface saying that “the denial of the elective franchise to…