During his last trip to England, 1867, Garrison was named as the “preeminent Agitator” of the century, …
Stampede of Slaves — New Creek, Va., Oct. 14 Six slaves from near Romney came into camp to-day. They were pursued until within six miles of our camp by the…
THE EDITOR’S PROGRESS REPORTED During Mr. Garrison’s absence, those of his friends who do not take the Standard will be glad to see the following incident of his visit to…
Washington is to be illuminated on Saturday night. The day being the historic 22nd of February, President Lincoln has issued a proclamation, recommending to the people of the United States…
John Stuart Mills, the able English writer on political economy, characterizes the rebellion of the South as “treason of the worst sort — a revolt against the highest form of…
Why the Rebels Appointed a Fast Day. In Jeff Davis’s proclamation appointing a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, he assigns this curious reason, among others: — “The termination of…
Letters say the roads to Washington are black with contrabands. They are coming not in squads, but in battalions. (Liberator, 1862, April 11, pg…
THE CALL UPON MASSACHUSETTS FOR MORE TROOPS Gov. Andrew’s Reply to the War Department. – The New York Tribune, of Friday last, prints the following letter from Gov. Andrew, of…
From Texas – Rumored Plan to Restore The Sate to the Union – New York, June 7th. The Tribune editorially says: “We learn through a private channel, in which we…
Nearly all the Governors of the loyal States, having subscribed their names, officially, to a letter to the President of the United States, urging an immediate and extensive augmentation of…
An English Estimate of Wendell Phillips — “An English Traveller” writes from Boston to the London Spectator: — “The real pillar of the abolitionist party is Wendell Phillips. Gifted with…
The following is an extract of a late speech delivered at Newport, R.I., by Senator Hale, of New Hampshire, upon the war: — “I don’t know what to think of…
Meeting of the Loyal Governors. Governor Andrew arrived in New York yesterday morning, on his way to attend a meeting of the Governors of all the loyal States, at Altona,…
The contrabands at Cairo, Ill., number from 800 to 1000, and are in most miserable condition, suffering intensely for want of necessary clothing and bedding. Two are reported by the…
Garrison on the Emancipation Proclamation January 9, 1863 , The Liberator “…however effectual may be the President’s Emancipation Proclamation in breaking the chains of the bondmen in such rebellious sections…
Massachusetts and the War – Statistics at the Adjutant General’s office show that Massachusetts has contributed for the war 58,214 three-years men, which with the three months and nine months…
FIRST CATHOLIC CONGREGATION OF BOSTON 1. This church is designed to be a school of Biblical and Moral Science, and to adopt systematic and thorough courses of instruction in the…
A Massachusetts Black Regiment. The proposed colored Massachusetts regiment, will be numbered the 54th, and will go into camp at Worcester. Captain N. P. Hallowell, of the Mass. 20th, and…
V Meeting in Aid of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment Mass.Vols. A meeting in aid of the Fifty-fourth Regioment, Col. Shaw, was held at a private home on Tuesday, March 3. In…
The Colored Regiment at Readville. The Regiment now numbers nearly three hundred men, and recruits come at the rate of about ten a day. Thus far only ten line officers…
Readings From the Poets. Under this title, Madame Louise de Mortie gave, in Mechanics’ Hall, last evening, an entertainment far surpassing in excellence any similar one ever given here. She…
PETITION FOR AN AMBULANCE SYSTEM, Boston, October, 1863 The undersigned , feeling a common interest in the safety and comfort of those known and unknown to them, who are engaged…
BENJAMIN LUNDY (From Greeley’s History of the Rebellion) Benjamin Lundy deserves the high honor of ranking as the pioneer of direct and distinctive anti-slavery in America……. In the year 1815,…
A few days ago, a mob of four or five hundred Irish longshoremen in Chicago attacked a party of a dozen negro laborers working on a lumber dock, and compelled…
Paid Off The Massachusetts 54th regiment, of colored troops, has been paid off by the government in full to Aug. 31. The soldiers have sent back to their families and…
An Interesting Pamphlet We have received, in a handsome pamphlet form, the Proceedings of the National Convention of Colored Men, held in Syracuse, N.Y. on the 4th, 5th. 6th and…
LLOYD GARRISON SCHOOLS —- COLORED Mr. Garrison is told by the Principal of one that they have recently opened eight schools for colored students in New Orleans “We are proud…
The Board of Overseers of Harvard College have voted , 18 to 4, to accept the act of the Legislature, dissolving the connection of the College with the Commonwealth. The…
Garrison at Charleston April A correspondent of the New York Tribune has some paragraphs about the visit to Fort Sumter. It includes a presentation made to Garrison…
There are in Washington nine colored day schools, whose teachers are supported by tuition fees. There are also twenty five free schools, supported by Northern philanthropy, and eight free morning…
FREEDMEN COMING NORTH (Liberator, Aug 25, 1865, pg 3) -The telegraph reports the arrival at New York of a party of colored people from the South, en route from Rhode…