January 12, 1849 William Wells Brown writes to Garrison, telling of the escape of the Crafts, Ellen, 22, William, 24 years of age. “They are now hid away, within 22…
Category: <span>Crafts, William & Ellen</span>
February 9, 1849 A letter to Garrison, from T. Bicknell, Kingston, Feb 8th, tells of an Anti-Slavery meeting in the Town Hall. W. W. Brown, and the Crafts, and Jonathan…
February 16, 1849 A note about Anti-Slavery meetings in New Bedford, two successive evenings. W.W. Brown introduced the Crafts. During the presentations by the two they were questioned by the…
April 6, 1849 “The meeting at the Tremont Temple, on Sunday evening last, to extend to William and Ellen Crafts, the interesting fugitives from Georgia, a public welcome, was one…
December 6, 1850 From the Georgia Constitutionalist is an account of an unsuccessful attempt to recapture fugitive slaves from Boston. It is written by Willis H. Hughes, from Macon, dated…
February 28, 1851 A letter from Francis Bishop, dated Dec 28, 1850, in Liverpool, gives assurance that the Crafts have arrived safely on board the Cambria…..”they are now beyond the…
September 26, 1851 From the London Morning Advertiser, comes news that the Crafts have been received as pupils in the Ockham Schools, which were established by Lady Byron. William is…
February 23, 1855 Craft writes to Garrison, from London. “I was pleased to see that it required military force to return poor Burns into slavery. I think the law would…
August 4, 1865 Here there is a letter from Major General James Wilson, in which he indicates that Maria Smith, the mother of Ellen Craft, is now living with colored…