Appearing under Refuge of Oppression are minutes of a Connecticut Anti-Slavery Society, from the New Haven Record. Abby Kelley appears at the meeting, and her presence creates controversy. She is…
Category: <span>Women rights</span>
Writing from London, July 3, Garrison sends a copy of a Protest against the exclusion of women from the London convention. He indicates that the Protest was read at the…
Here Mott, from London, June 17 requests O’Connell’s views on the question of women in the Convention. O’Connell’s response includes that at first he was against the inclusion of women…
Woman’s Rights. – Major Tochman, the Polish exile, in a recent lecture, said, ‘during the war with Russia, even the Polish women engaged in raising forces, and taking command of…
January 22, 1847 “The following is an Article in the Constitution of Wisconsin, which guarantees to every wife her own property, and to every family a home, beyond the power…
January 29, 1847 Here is a long article, under the title above, with no designation of source, except that reference is made to New York state. It concludes: “I fain…
July 23, 1847 A long “admirable introduction by Mrs. C. M. Kirkland, to the equally admirable work, just published in New York by Fowlers and Wells, entitled ‘Woman, her Education…
September 15, 1848 An account of a convention, held at the Unitarian Church, in the city of Rochester, August 12. During the convention, W.C. Nell reads an address which he…
February 9, 1849 Here is the first of articles on the titled subject, by Angelique Le Petit Martin, Trumbull Phalanx, Braceville, Trumbull Co., Ohio, Jan 17, 1849
June 22, 1849 Here is a letter to the Editor, from Samuel Gregory, Sec’ry A.M. E. Society, at 25 Cornhill. It indicates that the American Medical Education Society, with five…
December 14, 1849 A petition calls for the State legislature to grant the vote to women. The editor includes a preface saying that “the denial of the elective franchise to…
January 9, 1852 An item by Wendell Phillips, urges upon all readers to circulate petitions to the legislature, asking for the “extension of the elective privilege to women”. Those petitions…
October 22, 1852 Included is a letter from Harriet Hunt, 32 Green St., Boston, in which she addresses The Treasurer and Assessors of the City. It is a “protest against…
June 3, 1853 Record of a meeting in the Senate Chamber, filled to overflowing with a highly respectful and intellectual audience, gathered to hear Lucy Stone and Wendell Phillips, who…
November 3, 1854 The Christian Ambassador, the organ of the Universalists of New York, urges that Tufts College, “soon to be opened near Boston” be “opened freely to both sexes”.…
November 17, 1854 Here is an item which indicates that Beecher has recently, in a lecture, avowed himself “a convert to the doctrine in women’s voting !!!” He indicated ”…
May 4, 1855 T. W. Higginson sends to the Worcester Spy, an account of a wedding at which he has officiated, at a farmhouse in West Brookfield. The bridegroom was…
October 19, 1855 Here is a brief exchange between William Goodell and Garrison. Goodell writes to Garrison, saying that he is mistaken in thinking that he (Goodell) makes “the condition…
September 12, 1856 The Springfield Republican tells of a lecture by Anthony, at the close of the session of the Normal School Convention. Her subject was, “Is it desirable that…
July 6, 1860 News of a Woman’s Rights Convention held at the Melodeon. Mrs. Caroline Severance was called to preside. Speakers included Mrs. Caroline Dall, Rev. Samuel J. May, Richard…
June 13, 1862 The article tells of a meeting recently held in Boston, in regard to “a new periodical to be devoted to the interests of woman.” The article includes…
May 1, 1863 Stanton calls upon the women of the North, believing that they do not know what their sons are fighting for. “The women of the South know what…
May 8, 1863 Signed by W. L. G., Jr., he writes for woman’s rights. “The agitation of the negro’s rights, and the discussion of the rights of woman, have from…
January 15, 1864 “Think not, that your work will soon be forgotten.” Stanton here assures the women who have been collecting signatures on petitions, that their letters, all will be…
March 3, 1865 This article, by C. K. W., tells of a meeting at the Melodeon, at which physicians and others spoke of the work done at this hospital. “Another…