October 4, 1850
The meeting was held on Sept 30, at Rev. Samuel Snowden’s church. “The house was densely crowded, and at an early hour many were compelled to leave for lack of room.” Lewis Hayden was chosen for chairman and Nell, for Secretary. Hayden calls for the adoption of “ways and means for the protection of those in Boston liable to be seized by the prowling man-thief. He said that safety was to be obtained only by an united and persevering resistance of this ungodly, anti-republican law, and that, as this meeting would likely be followed by another, he hoped, conducive to an end worthy of those who, at all hazards, would defend the liberties of themselves and friends.”… “Garrison (whose presence was hailed with enthusiastic demonstrations) responded to a call to read the Fugitive Bill, … and in commenting on its several features, electrified the audience by his bold denunciations of the law and its supporters, and by his earnest appeal to all lovers of liberty now to test their principles, at whatever cost.!”
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