June 7, 1839
An item title, A VOICE FROM THE COLORED PEOPLE OF BOSTON. Notes and resolutions from a June 3 meeting, at the Infant School Room, Belknap Street. The resolutions note that some abolitionists have recently withdrawn from the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, for “reasons that appear to us groundless”, offers support to Garrison and Liberator. “… we denounce every colored person who is an enemy to Garrison (if any there be) as a foe to liberty, and will compare him in point of ingratitude to the sailor who fell from the mast of a vessel, and would have been lost, had it not been for the daring heroism of a colored man, and who as a thank-offering for this praiseworthy deed, asked the captain if there was no one on board to save him but a ‘nigger’!….” John T. Hilton is Chairman, William Cooper Nell, Secretary.
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