A large and enthusiastic meeting of the colored people of Newbern, North Carolina, was held in the African Church in Newbern, on Monday, June,(?) 1863, commencing at 2 p.m. Joseph E. Wilson was unanimously elected President of the meeting, Francis Moore and C. Butler, Vice Presidents, A.T. Fisher, Secretary. Addresses were mace by Brig. Gen. Wild, Dr. Mann, Assistant Sargeant of the N.C. (colored) Regiment, Lieut. Bachelor, Joseph E. Williams, Thomas Felton, and others. The speakers were frequently interrupted by applause.
Several resolutions were then introduced and unanimously adopted:
—( included in the resolutions were these phrases):
Resolved that we will for ever honor the illustrious name of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, the great founder of freedom to our race, by his grand Proclamation, and through his invincible soldiers of liberty.
Resolved that we pledge our lives to maintain his Proclamation of January 1, 1863…. Joseph E. Williams, Chairman
(Liberator, June 26, 1863, pg 2)