Remarks on the Colony of Liberia and the American Colonization Society. With some account of the settlement of Colored People at Wilberforce, Upper Canada. By C. Stuart, London, 1832. Written as a critique of Colonization, this includes a reference to this meeting of colored people in New York:
” At a public meeting of the Free Colored People of New York, on Tuesday evening, 25th of January, 1831, numerous resolutions were passed………..At the end of the second page there is this resolution: “That the Convention recommend to the people of color, throughout the United States, to set apart the 4th day of July*, as a day of humiliation, fasting and prayer; and to beseech Almighty God, to interpose on our behalf, that the shackles of slavery may be broken, and our sacred rights obtained.”
* The day the white people in the United States celebrate the declaration of their independence.
(Liberator Nov 24, 1832, pg 2)