Content: At a meeting convened at New-Garden, (Columbia County, Ohio) 1st mo. 19th, 1834 for the purpose of endeavoring to ameliorate the condition of our colored brethren and sisters, Joseph A. Dugdale and Benjamin H. Davis were appointed to write as clerks for the present sitting.
A Constitution was adopted for the New-Garden Anti-Slavery Society. Auxiliary to the American Anti-Slavery Society.
The following individuals were chosen a Board of Managers for the ensuing year: Joseph A. Dugdale, Clerk; Benjamin B. Davis, Assistant; Wm. Griffith, Nathan Galbreath, Thos. Pennock, a Corresponding Committee;
Thos. Galbreath, Treasurer; and Aaron B. Rigby, Librarian.
(Liberator, March 22, 1834,pg 1)