The Columbus (Ohio) Fact, a leading Breckinridge journal, thus boldly declares its opinion touching slavery and the war: — “This Government cannot conquer the rebels with the same army with which it protects slavery, and none but boobies think it can — none but traitors think it ought. The best intentions of our Generals toward rebel States and their “cherished institution” will fail them, when they find themselves harassed in front and rear by the Slave Power, and then will come the ‘military necessity’ for acting in the premises, as General Fremont would have acted in Missouri, if left to exercise his own sagacious judgment. For everything there is a time and a season, and the rebels have anticipated by their treason, an event that might otherwise have been postponed a hundred years. They have raised an issue that will result in one of two ways: either slavery or the Union must go to the wall.”
(Liberator, Nov 15, 1861, pg 3)