David Lee Child, on War

May 18, 1855

Alarmed by the behaviour of  the “national executive in respect to Spain”, Child writes under the title, Another War to Increase the Profits of Slave-Generations and Human Flesh-Jobbers, and to Perpetuate Their Power Over Us All. Commenting on war as a dogma, Child says: “The doctrine inculcated with threats and opprobrium by those in power, and by those reaping a harvest from the sowing of iniquity has been, for forty years, ‘No matter how we got into the war; that is no longer a question.  It must be carried on and fought out’. If you oppose it you are giving aid and comfort to the enemy; you are traitors, and though you may not hang for it, you none the less deserve hanging.  The glory of the country must be saved’.

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