David Ruggles and the Darg Case
The undersigned, a committee appointed at a public meeting to inquire into the case of David Ruggles in regard to the late criminal prosecution in the Darg case, have examined the facts in relation thereto; and have no hesitation in saying that they perfectly satisfied that the said David Ruggles has been unjustly implicated and wantonly persecuted. First, by imprisonment in a loathsome cell, notwithstanding the most unexceptionable bail had been offered, and subsequently, though liberated, he was subject to heavy and unreasonable bail for fourteen months: during all which time he was prevented from attending to his business, by being compelled to remain within the limits of the jurisdiction of the court……Suffering through all this period a distressing complaint of the eyes, by which he is nearly deprived of vision, the scanty means he had accumulated, with a view to obtain medical assistance and relief, have been consumed in securing a subsistence. His situation has been truly one of severe hardships. Abolitionists who would embrace the opportunity to afford relief, are respectfully requested to forward their contributions to the address of subscribers.
Isaac Peirce, John W. Hill, Phinehas Hudson Jan 1st. 1840
(Liberator Feb 7, 1840, pg 3)