Death Of Francis Jackson, Esq. Boston has lost one of its most useful and esteemed citizens in the death of Francis Jackson, Esq., which took place at his residence in Hollis street, on Thursday morning last. He was born in Newton, March 7th, 1789, and, was, consequently, in the 73d year of his age. The city owes much of its enlargement to his enterprise and perseverance, as the Tremont Road and the South Cove sufficiently testify. As early as 1835, he became warmly interested in the cause of the enslaved millions in our land, and has ever since been conspicuous in the ranks of the uncompromising Abolitionists; giving liberally of his substance to aid that cause, and to promote the success of kindred reformatory and beneficent enterprises…….He was for many years President of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, and also Treasurer of the American A.S. Society; but, though deeply consecrated to the liberation of the oppressed, his benevolent interest extended to every form of distress, and multitudes have been succored and blest by his charities. However unpopular his anti-slavery opinions and position, he always commanded the highest respect for his solid character and sterling worth, and will long be remembered as among the many who have done honor to Boston and the Commonwealth. —- Boston Traveller
(Liberator, Nov. 22, 1861, pg 3)