DIED, In Hartford, Ct. July 6th, 1837, Rev. Hosea Easton, in the 38th year of his age, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Zion Church.
In the death of our brother, the church feel that they have sustained a great loss, particularly his brethren in the ministry, with whom he so harmoniously labored during the sitting of our last Conference, May 1837. But we trust that our loss is his infinite gain. His sickness was short, but he bore it with Christian patience.
A short time before his departure, he said to the writer of this, that his soul was filled with unutterable glory, and with the presence of God. His vision was clear. It was truly an affecting scene, and excited much feeling among those who witnessed it. Seeing the Lord is making inroads among the members of our Conference, it becomes us to be up and doing; and may God sanctify this dispensation of his providence to the afflicted widow, and to his brethren in the ministry, is the prayer of a fellow laborer in the gospel. JEHIEL C. BEMAN
(Liberator, July 14, 1837, pg3)