Death of President Tyler

DEATH OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES   “The following intelligence is announced by the telegraph, that President Taylor expired at Washington on Tuesday night last, at thirty-five minutes past 10 o’clock, after a short illness of diarraos (?) , ending in congestion of the brain. The Vice President and Cabinet, the Mayor and Marshal of the District, the attending physicians, and his family surrounded his bed. Consciousness returned before his death, and he recognized the members of his family. His last words were — ‘I am not afraid to die. I have done my duty. My only regret is, in leaving those who are dear to me.’   Whether he died an unrepentant slaveholder remains to be seen.   We have no room for further particulars.   His death at thie peculiar crisis in the affairs of the nation will create a profound sensation.   The Vice President, Millard Fillmore, is of course his successor. We fear that he is not the man for the present emergency.”

(Liberator, July 12, 1850, pg 3)