A large and overwhelming meeting of the citizens of Boston and vicinity was held in the Old Cradle of Liberty, on Friday evening, January 28, 1842, favorable t0 the immediate abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia. The meeting was called to order by Francis Jackson, and on motion of Edmund Quincy, Garrison was unanimously called to the Chair. Six Vice Presidents were chosen: Francis Jackson, Joseph Southwick, George Bradburn, of Massachusetts; Col. J.P. Miller, of Vermont, Nathaniel Rogers, of New Hampshire, and James Cannings Fuller, of New York. Secretaries were appointed: William Bassett, of Lynn, Charles Lenox Remond, of Salem, and Henry W. Williams, of Boston. At end of article Garrison at least 6000 were in attendance. (Liberator, February 2, 1842, pg 2)
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