GREAT MEETING AT FANEUIL HALL Pursuant to a call made in the public journals for a meeting of citizens who ‘have read with surprise, alarm and deep regret the recent speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster in the U. S. Senate, on the subject of slavery’, a very large concourse of citizens assembled in Faneuil Hall on Monday evening, March 25, and were called to order by Francis Jackson. (There were several speeches made, and following resolutions, in part here, passed.)
Resolved, That the recent speech of Hon. Daniel Webster in the Senate of the United States, on the subject of slavery, is alike unworthy of a wise satesman and a good man, and is a speech ‘NOT FIT TO BE MADE’
Resolved, That in making this speech, Mr. Webster has been false to the great principles of Human Liberty, defends measures utterly at variance with the welfare of the nation, with common justice, and the inalienable rights of mankind.
Resolved, That it is unworthy of a Senator from Massachusetts, after dwelling on the alleged grievances which the South has suffered from the North, to omit in his spoken speech, all allusion to the oppressive laws of some Southern States, by which free colored citizens of the North, when going to the South on board ships, are taken and shut up in jail, —and in his printed speech to treat the matters with most slender and delicate reproof.
Mr. Garrison being called for, said he would put his remarks into a nut-shell. In view of Mr. Webster’s speech, he had only to say, of its author, at that late hour —
‘Since he, miscalled the Morning Sar,
Nor man, nor fiend, hath fallen so far !’
(Loud applause.) The resoltions were then put to the meeting and adopted by an unanimous and enthusiastic vote (Liberator, March 23, 1850, pg 2)