Garrison and His Native Place

 A correspondent of the Boston Journal, writing from Newburyport under the date of Feb. 27th says:   “Wm. Lloyd Garrison is engaged to deliver the closing lecture before the Newburyport Lyceum. The announcement of the fact has created quite a commotion among the old fogies. ……It is strange how easily the prejudices of mankind are sometime disturbed. How far the prejudices against Mr. Garrison may extend, I cannot say. No ‘protest’ has yet appeared, but there is no telling what a day may bring forth. It seems very fitting that Mr. Garrison, whose name is a household word, not only in this country, but many others, and who is a native of Newburyport – it is fitting, I say, that he should be invited to lecture here. Because Garrison has his own peculiar, not to say fanatical views, on the slavery question, it is no proof that his intellectual powers cannot comprehend any other subject. This fact is overlooked by his opponents. His subject will be, ‘The Dead Past and living Present’ Undoubtedly Mr. Garrison will prove himself at home in elucidating his subject, and perhaps hit some hard blows all round. He will draw a full audience, as it will be his first appearance before a Newburyport audience for a number of years”.

Accompanied by notice from Newburyport Herald      (Liberator, March 6, pg 3)