George Thomas letter to Wendell Phillips

The letters from our beloved friend George Thompson, lately published by us, were written by his Secretary.  It gives us much sincere and hearty pleasure to publish the following extract from a letter which he has been able to write with his own hand, addressed to Wendell Phillips, dated July 15, 1859, at South Lambeth, London.

“God bless you, my beloved friend, for the most seasonable and munificent benefactions you have been the instrument of forwarding to me, and incline your heart to forgive my silence. If I could describe how providential your remittances were, you would be disposed to ascribe your generous impulse to inspiration. You made me happy and independent at a moment when I was much cast down, and filled with most distressing apprehensions.  I cannot thank you and the donors at large in words. God give me life and strength to thank you in deeds!

In much haste to get to an Anti-Slavery Committee, ever most faithfully and sincerely your friend.” — George Thompson.

(Liberator, August 12, 1859, pg 3)