Hissing of the Snakes – Clergy Against Nebraska bill

March 31, 1854

Three thousand clergymen of all denominations have presented to the US Senate a Remonstrance Against the Nebraska Bill.  “No such religious demonstration has been made, touching the action of the government on any subject, since the adoption of the American Constitution.  The article quotes newspapers which condemn the clergymen for this action….All this is equally instructive and refreshing. For more than twenty years , the clergy of New England have denounced the abolitionists as lacking in sound judgment, good temper, Christian courtesy, and brotherly kindness, in their treatment of the question of Slavery, and hence they have needlessly brought upon themselves the hot indignation of the South;  and now, these reverend critics, waking up at last to a sense of their duty, attempt to prevent the introduction of slavery to an immense territory plighted to freedom, are denounced by the minions of the Slave Power as bitterly as the most ‘ultra’ of the ‘Garrisonians’!”

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