Letter from M.R. Delaney

May 21, 1852

A letter to Garrison, from Delaney, in which Delaney expresses thanks that Garrison has given notice of his “hastily written book”,  and he indicates that he has corrected errors, which evidently are concerning what he said about Garrison.  “I am not in favor of caste, nor a separation of the brotherhood of mankind, and would as willingly live among white men as black, if I had an equal possession and enjoyment of privileges; but shall never be reconciled to live among them, subservient to their will -existing by mere sufferance. As we, the colored people do, in this country. The majority of white men cannot see why colored men cannot be satisfied with their condition in Massachusetts – what they desire more than the granted right of citizenship.  Blind selfishness on the one hand, and deep prejudice on the other, will not permit them to understand that we desire the exercise and enjoyment of these rights, as well as the name of their possession.  If there were any probability of this, I should be willing to remain in this country, fighting and struggling on, the good fight of faith.  But I must admit, that I have no hope in this country – no confidence in the American people -with a few excellent exceptions –therefore, I have written as I have done. Heathenism and Liberty, before Christianity and Slavery.”

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