THE LIFE of CAPT. JOHN BROWN, by James Redpath    With an Auto-Biography of his Childhood and Youth    All at the Extremely Low Price of One Dollar  —- Copies of this book will be furnished to any address, postage paid, on the remittance of $1, and 21 cents in stamps.  THAYER & ELDRIDGE,  114 & 116 Washington Street, Boston  Jan 20

Extract of letter from wife of John Brown:  North Elba, December . 1859    Messrs. Thayer & Eldridge:     Dear Friends, I am satisfied that Mr. Redpath is the man to write the life of my beloved husband, as he was personally acquainted with hin, and I think will do him justice.   Yours respectfully, MARY A. BROWN

(Liberator, Jan 20, 1860, pg. 3)