The Loyal Women of the Republic, through their National Association, resolved in May last to attempt to procure a MILLION signatures of loyal women to the following petition to the Honorable Senators and Representatives of the United States:
The undersigned, Women of the United States above the age of eighteen years, earnestly pray that your honorable body will pass, at the earliest practicable day, an Act emancipating all persons of African descent from involuntary service or labor in the United States.
Let the loyal women of Massachusetts see to it that they are not outdone by their sisters in any other State in the number of names appended by them to the petition, by asking Congress to terminate what remains of slavery outside of the President’s 1st of January Proclamation in such manner as to that body may seem advisable. Individual effort and consecration are needed in every city, town, and village. (Liberator, November 13, 1863, pg 3)
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