Meeting to Aid 54th Regiment


Meeting in Aid of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment Mass.Vols.     A meeting in aid of the Fifty-fourth Regioment, Col. Shaw, was held at a private home on Tuesday, March 3. In spite of a violent storm, a large number of ladies and gentlemen assembled, who were animated by the most hearty enthusiasm and earnest desire to do their utmost to make this regiment as well appointed and useful as any in the service. Col.Shaw was present, and gave encouraging accounts of the progress of enlistments and of the excellent behavior of the men now in camp at Readville. He considered them fully up to the average of men whom he had seen elsewhere in service. ……….. Mr.J.H. Stephenson, Treasurer, will be happy to receive contributions of socks, towels,. handkerchiefs, thread, needles, or any other articles necessary for the soldier, or donations in money at his office.

(Liberator, Mar 13, 1863, pg 2)