Mocking action by Carolina Church

At a Public Meeting, held in Charleston, S.C., last week, over which the Mayor of the city presided, an extended and full report was made by a committee appointed for the purpose, …. relative to the institution in that city of an Episcopl congregation called Calvary Church, especially for colored people and slaves. … the committe have approved of it, inasmuch as it was conducted on strictly legal principles, under the supervision of the Bishop and a collection of white persons, who attended the church regularly. They add, that they approve of introducing religious instruction among the slaves, because of the improvement it effects in their moral condition, docility, and submission to authority. —— then a comment, with finger pointed at it : ‘DOCILITY, AND SUBMISSION TO AUTHORITY’,mark that ! The religion of Him who came to proclaim liberty to the captive so taught as to perpetuate chains and slavery! Horrible! (Liberator, November 30, 1849, pg 3)

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