‘Serices of Colored Americans, in the Wars of 1776 and 1812. By William C. Nell. Second Edition’
Thanks to my highly-esteemed colored friend, the author, for his valuable pamphlet. I am not a glorifier of war, or its heroes, not even of Republican war and its heroes. But I am for justice to all men and things. There were men in the Revolutionary war, who honestly fought for the liberties and rights of men, especially their own. — They knew of no higher method of opposing tyranny. They sacrificed and suffered much. Let them be honored according to their moral integrity and honest devotion, even by those who have learned a more excellent way to serve equity and humanity. Above all, let justice be done and due honor rewarded to the Colored Americans, who fought for a country that has oppressed, and afflicted, and trodden their race under foot, in the most abominable manner, for ages………………… (Liberator, Jan 21, 1853, pg 2)