The Boston Juvenile Anti-Slavery Society has procured to be printed a large number of the following forms of petitions for minors. Members of that society are now engaged in circulating them for signatures in this city, and we hope that measures will be taken to circulate them in every town in the state. Abolitionists should aid and encourage their children in this good work. The petitions are designed for both boys and girls. Copies can be had the Anti-Slavery Office, 25 Cornhill.
To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States.
The undersigned, minors, of …………… the State of …………….. respectfully pray your honorable body immediately to abolish slavery and the slave trade in the District of Columbia, and in all other territories where you have power to exercise ‘exclusive legislation’.
(A similar petition urges to stop all trade in men women and children.)
(Liberator July 14, 1837, pg3)