February 23, 1849
Under the title They Fear the Light, here are the resolutions adopted at the Mass Anti-Slavery Society meeting, and the subject of the articles which appeared in the Feb. 9 edition of the paper. The resolution in reference to Calhoun, it claims, has “elicited a good deal of fierce and ribaldrous critricism in various quarters”. Then the disputed resolution is appended: “That in openly and unequivocally advocating slavery as a just, beneficent and democratic institution, John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, is to be commended for his frankness and directness; that for his earnestness , consistency, intrepidity and self-sacrifice, in defending and seeking to extend and perpetuate what he thus professes to regard as superlatively excellent, he is equally to be commended; and that he stands in admirable contrast, and is incomparably to be preferred, to those northern time-servers and doug-faces, who professedly look upon slavery with abhorrence, and yet are found ever ready to compromise the sacred principles of liberty, to betray the rights of the people of the North, and on bended knee to worship the Slave Power of the South.”
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