Riot at School, by those for exclusive schools

On Monday, Sept. 17th the school opened. A meeting had been called in the evening, at Belknap Street Church, of those opposed to its continuance. A large audience filled the house, and proceeded to consider the business before them, which, as stated by the chairman, was to deepen impressions already made, and animate them with increased zeal and determination in the course marked out at subsequent meetings. The resolutions introduced by the committee were in accordance therewith, including one relative to Thomas Paul, as having accepted a post so wholly repugnant to their repeatedly expressed wishes and their legal rights, he was unworthy their confidence or respect.

A few persons, known as the advocates of exclusive schools, stationed themselves near the door, and observing the cue of their leaders, persevered in disturbing the meeting by hisses, and varios other demonstrations. The audience was requested to pay no attention to them, but some individuals, on their own responsibility, attempted to secure order, and on the rioters retreating from the building, the windows were immediately assailed by a volley of stones and other missiles, which are preserved as trophies of the prowess of those who resort to such methods of appeal.

‘The powers that be’ are now pf course in battle array against the colored people of Boston, who only ask that their children should be admitted as others into the public district schools. Every species of cunnning and wickedness is resorted to, that the children may be seduced into the Smith School; and that not practised alone by those from whom we have always expected opposition, but our misfortune is, that we are betrayed by false brothers.

To sustain the contest, we must have funds for the payment of tuition fees in the remporary schools; and believing this to be a legitimate channel for the charities of a benevolent public, it is earnestly hoped they will contribute as God has given them means. Boston, Sept l7, 1849 W.C .N.
(Liberator, September 21, pg 3)

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