SOJOURNER TRUTH, South Scituate, Aug. 30, 1854
Sojourner Truth is visiting this place for the first time. You know her well; but she is not equally well known to the readers of your paper in this vicinity. She is a colored woman, nearly seventy years old, who was for many years a slave among the Dutch inhabitants of New York. It seems that her education was shamefully neglected by her guardians, as she cannot read nor write. Yet she can speak, and to good purpose.
Last Sunday afternoon, at 5 o’clock, — ample notice of her intention having been given, — she addressed a very large audience in my church — twice as large, I should think, as the usual congregation; and she spoke so modestly, so naturally, and with such a spirit of truth and love, that her hearers were profoundly interested in her revelations of the experience of her life. She asked for nothing more than a hearing, but a collection of $16.80 was taken for her benefit.
Yours, very truly, C. Stetson
(Liberator, Sept 15, 1854, pg.2)