On Tuesday morning last, the official authoritative announcement was sent over the whole country, with lightening speed, that the Abolition of Slavery and its Prohibition forever were engrafted upon the United States Constitution, and had become part of the fundamental LAW OF THE LAND……………..
………..It is the final crowning and completion of the labors of the American Abolitionists, as such. It is the great end for which they have toiled so earnestly, so perseveringly, so uncompromisingly, in dark days, in evil days, admidst obloquy, persecution, ridicule, violence, and amongst an unbelieving and unwilling people………………………..The work to which the Anti-Slavery apostles put their hands thirty-five years ago, and which they dared not hope to see accomplished, is accomplished ! “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord!”
(Liberator, December 22, 1865, pg.2)