The February 26, 1978, pg 2 Liberator, includes this item, with the classic printed “Garrison finger” giving it attention. “Here is another letter from our philanthropic friend, Richard Allen, in regard to the awful destitution prevailing in Ireland. He will be rejoiced to hear that, in all parts of our country, the people are contributing of their substance to send the needed relief. Boston is devising liberating things. On Thursday evening of last week, one of the most densely crowded meetings ever seen in Faneuil Hall was held for this charitable purpose, the Mayor in the chair. Eloquent and stirring addresses were made by Edward Everett, Dr. S.G. Howe, Thomas J. Stevenson, and the Mayor. Sundry resolutions adopted and committee appointed in all the wards of the city to solicit money, food and clothing. The letter from Allen is dated 3d of the 2nd month, 1847, from Dublin.
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