Canaan, April 9, 1835
Dear Sir: I arrived here in health and safety on Tuesday, 31st of March, about 2 o’clock – fatigued, however, with the length of my journey. Mr. Kimball, at whose house I now lodge, received me with that urbanity and welcome, which strangers know so well how to prize. Mr. K. deserves great credit for his unwearied exertions in the cause of abolition. He is one of those who, as Mr. Thompson says, ‘lives abolition’. The same may be said of Mr. Scales, our excellent tutor. He is as uncompromising as you could wish.
There are nearly 30 scholars belonging to the school, and it is in a flourishing condition.
Rev. Mr. Fuller, the Congregational minister of this town, delivered an address on slavery last Thursday, which was Fast day in this State. He did not speak of slavery as an evil to be mitigated, but boldly denounced it as a sin to be extirpated.
I have nothing more of an interesting character to write you; but shall continue to let you know how things go on here, by every opportunity.
Yours affectionately, THOMAS PAUL
(Liberator, May 2, 1835, pg 3)