On February 13, 1865, in a letter to Lincoln, Garrison acknowledges receipt of Lincoln’s letter, in which the President has thanked Garrison for Carleton’s painting, “The Watch-Night, or Waiting for the Hour”, which Garrison had sent to him. “…God save you, and bless you abundantly! As an instrument in his hands, you have done a mighty work for the freedom of millions who have so long pined in bondage in our land — nay, for the freedom of all mankind. I have the utmost faith in the benevolence of your heart, the purity of your motives, and the integrity of your spirit. This I do not hesitate to avow at all times. I am sure you will consent to no compromise that will leave a slave in his fetters. It is slavery that has brought this dreadful war upon us; and only through liberty will Heaven vouchsafe to our distracted and bleeding country peace. Vast and solemn are your responsibilities; and you need and deserve whatever of comfort, encouragement and support can be given to you….” (readdinggarrisonsletters)
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