The Twelfth Baptist Church of this city, of which Rev. L. A. Grimes is Pastor, , have, with the liberal aid of many of our citizens in this city and vicinity, together with the untiring perseverance of the Society, raised and paid towards their meeting-house nearly six thousand dollars. They have not been able to finish their house, and have worshipped nearly two years in their vestry. The cost of finishing the house will be about fifteen hundred dollars.
The Ladies of this Society are preparing to hold a fair, to assist in finishing said church, the sales to commence on the 21st of November, 1853. Said church is located on Southac street.
In behalf of the Sewing Society, Octavia J. Grimes, President, Charlotte Knowles, Secretary, Martha Thursten, Treasurer, Boston, Oct. 10., 1853
(Liberator, Oct. 21, 1853, pg 3)