September 13, 1844
From a Reuben Simpson, addressed to Rev. John T. Raymond, here is discussion of whether or not it is proper for descendants of Africa, not born there, should use the name, African. Raymond has evidently recommended that the name of Africa, “should become extinct”, and the writer disagrees. “as descendants of that race, how can we better manifest that respect due to our fathers who begat us, than by the adoption of the term in our institutions, and inscribing it upon our public places of resort?”
Comment by the editor, includes: “No matter where a man is born, or in what country his progenitors originated; he is none the better, none the worse, for that, but a member of the great human family, and a brother man. Down with all boastful national distinctions! Yet let our colored fellow-citizens never be ashamed of being the descendants of Africans!”
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