November 4, 1842
From Boston Daily Bee, is an account of the Faneuil Hall meeting. It includes a statement about a “darkey” who was not listened to, and then Phillips arose: “His remarks were of the most outrageous character, disgraceful alike to the place, the evening, and to the speaker. Never did we hear such a volley of blackguardism and shameless abuse as came from the lips of this fanatic madman……had the audacity , the
shameless self-degradation, to curse the constitution of the United States in the Cradle of American Liberty, before an assemblage of American citizens. —Our blood boiled in our veins, but we are proud to say that the words were almost immediately silenced upon his dastardly lips by the overwhelming hisses of the people.”
After this, is a comment by the editor: “The Bee of Wednesday morning contains an editorial article on the same subject, equally scurrilous, profligate and diabolical with the foregoing. Shame on the vile print!”
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