“The following letter has been received in due course of mail from Pensacola, and though it was sent without the name of the writer, we have every reason to believe that its statements are strictly to be relied on.  It appears by it, that the amiable, noble-hearted Walker, has not only been sentenced to imprisonment and to be fined, for aiding the oppressed, but BRANDED IN THE HAND, with the letters. S.S. (Slave Stealer is meant, we suppose!) made with a hot iron!  And this in democratic, Christian America!  Horrible!  Horrible, beyond all expression.  This is not all.  Suits for damages have been brought against him to the amount of $160!  And for all this, the American people and the American Congress are responsible.  If Walker can only be suffered to return to the North, THAT BRANDED HAND must be held up in the presence of all the people, and the affect will be to fill their bosoms with indignation and horror, and to unite them for the overthrow of the diabolical slave system.  Northern Freeman!  –swell the city  — ‘NO UNION WITH SLAVEHOLDERS’ “.  (Liberator, December 6, 1844, pg 3)

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