Under Refuge of Oppression – titled “More Southern Thunder!”
A report from a Legislative committee in response to the refusal of the Governor of Maine to “deliver up two of her citizens demanded by Georgia, to be tried in the State last named, as felons.” The named people are Daniel Philbrook and Edward Kelleran, but I cannot tell from the context what is the precise nature of the alleged felony, or the race of the named persons. Words refer to the relationship of the two states and the necessity of protecting “the property of the one” from being “fit prey for the predatory excursions of lawless marauders, finding refuge and protection in the other.”
The issue is clearly one of States’ Rights – the report includes this appeal:
“He who values his birthright, or the land of his adoption — who would protect his right of property, or sustain the institution of slavery as it exits in the South -who detests the vile machinations of the fanatical ABOLITIONIST, or who dares to MAINTAIN AT EVERY HAZARD , SOUTHERN INSTITUTIONS, SOUTHERN PRINCIPLES, & SOUTHERN RIGHTS — let him unflinchingly act out what he professes ….”
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