In reference to the Colonization Society: “ When this Society was organized, I was one of its warmest friends, and anticipated great good from its influence, both in Christianizing Africa and abolishing slavery in our country…… I read with some care, the arguments of that distinquished and philanthropist , W. L. Garrison, in The Liberator, and was soon led to ask myself whether ‘this splendid scheme of benevolence’ was not a device of Satan, to rivet closer the fetters of the slaves, and to deepen the prejudice against the free colored people. I now believe it is, and that it had its origin in the single motive, to get rid of the free colored people, that the slave may be held in greater safety…..”
Reference to essay by young colored lady at Canterbury, who had been instructed by Miss Crandall. Further evidence of a rising public voice among young women of color.
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