Pursuant to the adjournment of the recent meeting of colored citizens, October 17, a large assemblage of colored citizens met. Thomas Henson chaired the meeting, William Cooper Nell, Secretary. Resolutions passed included “that the very able manner in which Mr. Garrison defended himself on Thursday evening, October 17, against the foul slanders of the wolves that seek to devour him, was highly satisfactory to us as a people……Resolved: that we hail with joy the fact, that unshaken confidence is reposed in our highly esteemed fellow citizen, William Lloyd Garrison, by the colored people in New Bedford, Worcester, Salem, and elsewhere in this Commonwealth….. Resolved: That we believe it is now made manifest to every colored person, that the design of the new organization is the entire overthrow of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society….” (Liberator, November 11, 1839, pg 3)
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