Colored Citizens of York, Pa., oppose Colonization


At and large and respectable meeting of the colored Inhabitants of the Borough of York, held at their church, on the 7th instant, for the purpose of expressing their views in relation to the American Colonization Society  — Among the resolutions: Resolved, That it is the opinion of this meeting that the American Colonization Society is actuated by the same motives which influenced the mind of Pharaoh when he ordered the male children of the Israelites to  be destroyed.  Resolved, That it is the belief of this meeting that the Society is the greatest foe to the free colored and slave population with whom liberty and equality have to contend.  Resolved, That the thanks of this meeting be returned to Messrs. William Lloyd Garrison and Isaac Knapp, and to every friend of emancipatioor their benevolent exertions in our behalf.  Resolved, That there be a committee appointed to meet the General Convention held in Philadelphia on the first Monday in June .  …… The committee appointed Mr. Stephen Davidge to be the Delegate .   Signed by  Noah Hooker, President,  Hezekiah Clements, Vice President, Y. Meads, Secretary

                                                  (Liberator,  June 8, 1833, pg 2)